Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hands Across The Sand

Today I participated in an awesome event called Hands Across the Sand. Which according to their website is, "a movement made of people of all walks of life and crosses political affiliations. This movement is not about politics; it is about protection of our coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife, and fishing industry. Let us share our knowledge, energies and passion for protecting all of the above from the devastating effects of oil drilling."

Anything that threatens to harm the environment gets to me, but I have a special place in my heart for the ocean. So when my co-worker Gena told me about this, I knew it was something I wanted to experience. It even ended up with us having a brief stint on the news!

Here is Gena, my partner in crime for the day.

There were lots of sign-holders, this is just one of many. The signs all had very poignant messages. And I was very pleased with how this peaceful protest remained peaceful.

Gena, again, I just really loved this shot of her.

I had to jump out of place for a moment to snap a few photos of the line itself. It ended up being over a mile long! Job well done Lake Worth.

This oil crisis is way too real and I feel so helpless. It seems like hardly anything is being done effectively to attempt to rectify the unrectifiable. So Hands Across the Sand made me feel a bit better, knowing that there are others right here in our community that care about this issue and other environmental issues as well. Something has to be done and I think this public demonstration was a great start.

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