Sunday, October 31, 2010

October Summary

October came and went way too fast. I kept meaning to update but couldn't find the time. (Well, didn't make the time is a bit more accurate). So today I'm just posting a quick collage rather than trying to play catch-up like I originally intended. Instead I'm going to try and focus more on next month's endeavors. Which may include some film shots from my new Holga (which I am super excited about). My goal for next month is to make more blog posts than I did in July (13). 

See you next month!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

i cross my heart & hope to die, these dreams of yours are gonna fly.

Lately I've been feeling lost. I've hardly been using my cameras. I don't go adventuring. I stay home with Dan every night. I feel like my lifeforce has been sucked out of me. Everything is at a standstill. I think I just need to try hardfer. I'm not ready to abandon my dreams yet.

Monday, October 4, 2010

change of pace.

Last week my friend Peter asked me if I'd be willing to do a shoot for him. His manager needed updated pictures of him in underwear. It's something I'd never done before but being my good friend I wanted to help him out. I was a little anxious, especially about finding the perfect location. I don't own indoor lighting, and trying to think of a good spot for the shoot, especially based on the content, was proving to be a challenge. Eventually I spoke with Adam from Bellamia Studios and he was nice enough to lend me his studio for the day. The finished product (although far from perfect) is something I am proud of.

This was such a new experience for me, I've never used studio lighting outside from my work. It was different and I had so much fun. Peter is a fantastic person and friend. I couldn't have asked for a better model and I look forward to hopefully getting to do this again in the future.