Wednesday, June 9, 2010

(Pre) Engagement Portraits

Courtney has been a friend of Dan's since before I met him, and she has always been a good friend, despite the amount of relentless teasing Dan always seems to have for her, and over the course of the past few years I would now consider her one of my good friends as well. So when her boyfriend Taylor was in town from Wisconsin and I was going to get to meet him I was thrilled. We spent the day at Boomer's (for Dan's birthday) and we had a ton of fun. We played a round of mini-golf sans Dan and I got the opportunity to snap a few candid shots of the two of them just being in love. On the drive home I found out that the next night Courtney was going to be proposed to. Being within 24 hours of engagement I personally consider these engagement photos. You can all give me benefit of the doubt, right?

What it really comes down to is that I am sooo happy for you two. Congratulations!

P.S. I have a really beautiful shot of Courtney from this day. I'm saving it for another time though. I don't even think she's seen it!

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